domingo, 24 de noviembre de 2013


¿Sois unas amantes de los zapatos?... Pues seguro que os encantaría probar a bañaros en esta bañera diseñada por SICIS  con la forma de este elegante zapato. En lugar de ser la viejecita que vivía en un zapato, puede llegar a ser la glamurosa mujer que se baña en un zapato!!

SICIS es una compañía que se dedica al Arte del Mosaico con la finalidad de transformar el mundo del mosaico en un concepto totalmente distinto, desde diseñar una bañera con forma de zapato hasta figurines con mosaico, retomando el antiguo modo de elaboración de romanos y bizantinos. 

Y por supuesto estas representaciones de la guapísima Marilyn Monroe son realizadas con mosaico por Sicis. 
Espero que les haya gustado! Que pasen una buena semana ;)

Expect your bath to sink or spill or whatever it is that comes to your mind! The idea behind the Shore Tub is to give you a complete spa experience, with massages and jets of water giving you the complete service. What makes the tub different from the herd is its unique elevation system. One end of it simply spills onto the floor so that people with restrictive movements need not “climb out”, but walk out of it. I’m sure it will help in avoiding nasty slips and falls! Plus the workings look do-able as well.
Expect your bath to sink or spill or whatever it is that comes to your mind! The idea behind the Shore Tub is to give you a complete spa experience, with massages and jets of water giving you the complete service. What makes the tub different from the herd is its unique elevation system. One end of it simply spills onto the floor so that people with restrictive movements need not “climb out”, but walk out of it. I’m sure it will help in avoiding nasty slips and falls! Plus the workings look do-able as well.
Expect your bath to sink or spill or whatever it is that comes to your mind! The idea behind the Shore Tub is to give you a complete spa experience, with massages and jets of water giving you the complete service. What makes the tub different from the herd is its unique elevation system. One end of it simply spills onto the floor so that people with restrictive movements need not “climb out”, but walk out of it. I’m sure it will help in avoiding nasty slips and falls! Plus the workings look do-able as well.
Expect your bath to sink or spill or whatever it is that comes to your mind! The idea behind the Shore Tub is to give you a complete spa experience, with massages and jets of water giving you the complete service. What makes the tub different from the herd is its unique elevation system. One end of it simply spills onto the floor so that people with restrictive movements need not “climb out”, but walk out of it. I’m sure it will help in avoiding nasty slips and falls! Plus the workings look do-able as well.

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